See with a great big rainbow trout caught on a grasshopper during a recent guided fly fishing trip on the Madison River near Ennis Montana.

Madison River Fishing Report 8/28/19

Hebgen Dam 1110cfs Old Kirby Place 1100cfs Varney Bridge 1180cfs Lower Madison 1620cfs I’m going to do this fishing report thing kinda quick. It’s hopper season. Fish a hopper. Maybe add an ant or moth or beetle if you’d like to get fancy. Waters good, temps are good, fish are bigger and they’re plentiful. That’s… Continue reading Madison River Fishing Report 8/28/19

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75 degrees warmer than it three days ago

Hebgen Dam 910cfs Kirby Place 971cfs Varney Bridge 1050cfs Lower Madison 1470cfs Thats not really true. It was as cold as -32 a few nights ago in places around the madison valley and I believe it got to about 41 or 42 degrees today. Almost flip flop weather if not for the 3 feet of… Continue reading 75 degrees warmer than it three days ago

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Facebook Fly of the Week 

Just wanted to remind everyone to head over to the Facebook page for this weeks fly of the week giveaway. Everyone is eligible to enter and the drawings are held every Sunday evening.  The winner will also get a hat and some stickers.  Thanks  MontanaFishMan

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