Big Hole River

Big Hole River Spring Fishing
Fly fishing the Big Hole River in the spring is one of our favorite things to do here in southwest Montana. When many other area rivers are just starting to wake up from the long winter the Big Hole is often one of the rivers around Ennis, Montana that we get to see some of our best early season dry fly fishing. There are three main hatches we are chasing on the Big Hole in the spring. BWOs, March Browns and Skwalla Stoneflies are the ones we tend to see the most. There are also Caddis and midges around as well. When the dry fly bite is not happening the Big Hole is a great river to run dry-dropper or nymph setups to catch fish feeding subsurface on the same insects. It's also a river with some very large brown trout that are often willing to chase a streamer. If you want to add some variety to your next visit to Ennis, Montana in the spring think about adding a day on the Big Hole River.