It’s official….

It’s official….

Hebgen Dam 900cfs

Kirby 1010cfs

Varney Bridge 1070cfs

Lower Madison 1480cfs

It’s been a little while since my last post. Ok, really let’s not kid around here, it’s been a very long time since my last post. I will spare you some sort self deprecating story about how I’m not good at this and get to the point.

I have been working on a new website for some time now because I was loosing support for my previous builder software. I have been wanting to do it for almost a year now and finally got to it over the past several weeks. The domain name will be the same but I have switched platforms to try and bring a fresh look and feel to the website. The foundation of the site is in place and live and I must say that I still have a fair amount of work to do. Since my first web site in 2008 I have done all of the work myself. That has all gotten much easier since my first version with website builders that are basically templates for plug and play features and I’m very grateful for that. Although learning all the SEO and how to implement it still takes some skill and know how. I could pay someone to help me become the top search on google for similar listings but what fun would that be? Plus I don’t make that much money and I’m time rich and I really like learning how to do new things.

Take a look if you have a little time. I’m still working out the “guide trip as a product” type thing so people can pay for and or pay a deposit right through the website. My products are just logo gear for now, online shop products that is. My best product is still my ability to work hard, row hard, know the Madison as best as I possibly can after 20 years, be enthusiastic about fishing and patient with clients. I think that’s still my best product. Anyhow, if you get a chance to visit let me know what you think. Drop a line, post something on Facebook or text me your thoughts. I will be adding more over the coming months including some custom made fly tying tools, flies and more logo gear.

If you have an extra minute or two and would like to do me a huge favor head over to Google or TripAdvisor and post a review if you’ve fished with me before. I promise it will help you catch more fish. No, that’s not true. But it is kinda funny.

Thanks for tuning in and….

Keep your tip up!

Brian Rosenberg

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